Working with coaches for success

Individual Coaching

Are you a coach who already has paying clients and want to experience regular powerful coaching to take your coaching practice to “the next level”?

individual coaching for established coaches: Two outstreched hands are holding a pile of blue cogs. The cogs are individually floating up from each hand to create an upward arrow

As this is individual coaching for established coaches, our coaching will be dictated by where you are at any given time and will progress at the rate and speed that’s right for you. You get to choose what we focus on in each session. This is not work that focuses upon chasing the “latest trend” but about finding answers that are unique to you.

During our work together often our conversations focus on two different aspects.

There’s the bit that concentrates upon visible and measurable results and performance. It’s the bit where established coaches will describe that they are wanting to do things like:

  • Developing your coaching business,
  • “Going beyond” what you already offer
  • Increasing your coaching fees
  • Working with more people
  • Getting a better balance so you’re not spending every hour working

Then there’s also the bit that’s not so easy to describe as each person has their own experience and language for the experience!

For the purposes of simplicity and without being bogged down in language and labels around beliefs, values etc I think most coaches will be aware of the impact of what’s going on inside our heads.

So it probably won’t come as a surprise that at some stage our conversation is likely to focus upon the nature of thought as well.

When I’m working with someone they are usually attracted to this bit because they currently think they need more confidence or self belief. They often say that they are finding some thought of the next step really scary or stressful.

I hear a lot of people secretly questioning if they are good enough, worthy enough etc. Maybe you’ll be familiar with having a head full of self doubt and negative scenarios about how people will react if you increase your fees.

Their description of the impact of this part of my work include:

  • “connecting with the light inside”,
  • “coming from the heart place, not the mind place”,
  • “relaxing and being me”
  • “connecting with an amazing space of flow”
  • “getting really quiet on the inside”
  • “being really comfortable in my own skin”
  • “trusting myself”

It’s the bit that allows you to handle any bumps and lows you encounter with more grace and still really enjoy the “highs”.

What you get with an individual coaching package:

TickWelcome Pack

We start our work together when you receive your welcome pack – Full of questions and information it is designed so that we can hit the ground running from our very first session together.

TickGetting Started Initial Coaching Session:

Our first session takes your answers from your welcome pack and explores what’s currently going on for you. Taking place via phone/ Skype / Zoom it’s where we start to go deep and will last up to 2 hours.

TickRegular Coaching Sessions: 

Lasting up to 1 hour in length these take place via Skype, Zoom or Phone. This is a time and space just for you, so you get to choose the focus of each session as well as the pace and speed.

TickAction Assignments:

Coaching is not just about what happens in our scheduled time together. This is about you, and your coaching, moving forward.

Throughout our time together, usually after each session, we will jointly decide upon an action assignment that you are willing to commit to achieving.

You will notice that when we agree to your action assignment we will often spend time discussing how it could be even easier, add in more enjoyment and generally ensure that you can comfortably move forward.

TickUnlimited and priority email support:

My aim is to get results that work with your coaching and your life so you are welcome to contact me in-between our scheduled coaching sessions to ask questions, share any news and successes.

I can receive many email messages in a day but as a client your emails will get priority above other email.

It can feel a big decision to step forward and invest in yourself and your coaching with individual coaching. I want to do everything I can to support you in making the right decision for you.

That’s why I also offer you my personal happiness guarantee – If after the first month you are not happy with our individual coaching just let me know and I will happily refund your money out of my own pocket – no hassles, no problems.

30 day money back guaranteed label

Why am I offering a personal happiness guarantee?

Firstly, you have PLENTY of time to make an informed decision, yet still take action now. One of the things that can get in the way of coaches building successful practices is not taking decisive action.

I’m on a mission to support, nurture and encourage coaching skills and talents from non-coach to coach and beyond. If you truly feel that I haven’t delivered on the promise I’ve made to you here, then I don’t want your money. Like you, I started my business to be of service to people I care about. It really is that simple.

You can figure it all out on your own… spend many hours and money on developing these skills on your own… but I’m willing to bet that you’d rather spend that time doing what you love.

If you have read this far then I suspect that you are interested in the price.


The total time that we work together with this individual coaching package is for a minimum of 3 months – to allow time for you to start and move forward with what you want to do next with your coaching.

There are two levels of support for this:

Regular individual coaching sessions taking place weekly the cost for all of the above is:

One total payment of £1017


Three monthly payments of £375.

There is also the option to only have an individual coaching session every other week. This is ideal for those where either finances or time has so far prevented you from investing in more regular support. The cost for that option is:

One total payment of £625


Three monthly payments of £230

Ready to get started woith your individual coaching?

Click here to set up a time to talk

Got a question?

Click here to send an email.

Not certain if this would be for you?

I suggest you schedule a complimentary Going further with your coaching discovery session. That is a specific session designed to provide coaching for established coaches. To find out more click here.